Te souviens-tu d’avoir dansé au milieu du rouge ? (2024)

I don’t know when when red began to resonate within me. It was the edelweiss scarf on my bag that made me realize I enjoy wearing it. This summer, Maggie Nelson’s book Bluets and the urge to use a Polaroid camera pushed me to explore this color.

The author speaks of her relationship with blue as a deep love, a lover. While reading her, I thought: for me, it’s red. With my Polaroid, I captured my daily life. Red stands out, vibrant. I immerse myself in this color. This summer was turbulent – my sense of direction blurred, my plans drifting away. I arrived in Invorio in a restless state of mind, searching for a bit of calm and meaning in red.

I photographed what this color evoked for me: fragments of landscapes, intimate moments, memories. The red frescoes in the churches reminded me of art, childhood, raw beauty. I kept that shade of red, almost orange, with me all week.

Red is everywhere in my life, and I want to understand why. I tried to write its meaning, to capture this inner voice. In Invorio, I sketched out a still-fragile exploration, ready to grow.

This work was created during the Résidence Amorce in Invorio, Italy in September 2024. In 2025, it was part of the book and exhibit « Dans la Maison » presented as a rendering of the residency alongside the work of Louïse Lett, Pauline Arnould, Sarah Brunori, Nina Pennetier, Paloma Bonnabel & Paola Venco.